Thursday, October 9, 2014

Monkey Bars

I wanted to share this awesome milestone on the blog.  Preston was able to do the monkey bars with one hand in front of the other for the first time last Saturday.  He learned monkey bars last year, but always had to put one hand on the bar and then move the other hand to that same bar.  And he never makes it all the way across.  You can tell it's still difficult for him.  He needs a lot more practice, but this is so exciting!  My husband and I both got teary-eyed watching him!  He couldn't believe he made it across!  Then he did it three or four more times.  So AMAZING!  I thought I would share something good today since this has been such a HARD week!  I need to remind myself of the positives that I can see  so I don't focus so much on the whining, meltdowns, and talking back I'm experiencing right now.

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