Thursday, October 30, 2014

Roller Coaster

We got home from Brain Balance this evening, I started dinner, and Marcos came in to tell me he had just received a call from a friend that had extra tickets to go to Frightmares and wanted to know if he and the boys would like to go.  Dylan had been invited by another friend to go to a corn maze so he wasn't around. I knew Dylan would LOVE it and would be disappointed he had missed it, but I wasn't sure how Preston would do.  Should they go?  I figured worst case, Marcos could take him on simple rides or just walk around the park with him.  They ate quickly, threw on a hoodie and were off on their adventure.

Marcos called me a half hour later to tell me they had just ridden the white roller coaster...and Preston liked it.  What?  Are you serious?  There are no words to describe how shocked - and thrilled - I was at that moment.  No words.  Like butterflies in my stomach, nervous but giddy, type of thrilled.  A pinch me I must be dreaming kind of thrilled.  Really?  He rode the white roller coaster?  I mean, this is the child who would not ride on the carousel at the zoo because going around in a circle and up and down at the same time was too scary.  He could sit on the peacock bench that is stationary if an adult sat next to him with their arm around him the whole time, but even that was pushing it.    

When Marcos got home, he described the experience in greater detail.  They stood in line for a ride and Preston expressed his concern, "Papi, I don't think I want to ride on this.  It looks too scary.  I'm a little nervous about it."  Marcos encouraged him, "You can do it.  This one just goes up and then down and then up again.  It tickles your stomach like an elevator."  "Okay, Papi."  He was reluctant, but willing to try something new.  That's HUGE!  He didn't FREAK out!!  And after EVERY SINGLE RIDE finished, he exited and said in a shocked and excited voice, "I liked it!  I liked it, Papi!  I really, really liked it!  I wasn't even scared!"

Not only did he enjoy himself, but the other dad (who knows Preston VERY well) commented on the changes he could see in Preston.  He could not believe the way Preston was interacting with the other kids, and the confidence he had when talking (he's usually very nervous around adults).  I guess he looked over at Marcos and said, "What is going on with Preston?  Who is this kid?  This cannot be the same child who was too shy and nervous to even say hi to me.  Now he's relaying every detail about his day, the thrill of the roller coasters, and what he wants for Christmas?"

Yeah...there are no words.  It's incredible!  I can't believe it!  I honestly cannot believe it!

You can tell he's nervous to be on the ride 

Goofy 7-year-old smile

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